Jacob Webb earns McGaw health administration scholarship

Jacob Webb, a junior in Southern Illinois University Carbondale’s Health Care Management program, is the recipient of a 2020 Foster G. McGaw Scholarship from the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA).

The Foster G. McGaw Scholarship provides financial support to undergraduate and graduate students in health administration. The program was established in 1975 and in the last three years 319 scholarships totaling more than $186,000 have been given out, according to the organization. Webb is the fourth SIU student since the health care management program began participating in 2017 to win the scholarship.

Faculty in the health care management program selected Webb for the scholarship based on his strong academic performance, professionalism and leadership potential, said Sandra K. Collins professor and Health Care Management program director.   

“The McGaw scholarship is a prestigious honor few students can receive since it is limited to only a small number of health care management programs carrying the mark of excellence as an AUPHA-certified program,” Collins said. “This is a substantial achievement for Jacob, which reveals the confidence the Health Care Management faculty has in his potential for success as a future healthcare leader.”

Fears of transferring quickly left

Webb, who is from Mount Carmel, Illinois, began at Wabash Valley College prior to enrolling at SIU Carbondale in fall 2019. A member of the dean’s list each semester throughout college, Webb will graduate in spring 2021 and has plans to pursue a Master’s of Health Administration degree at SIU.

Webb said his biggest fear coming in as a junior transfer was being “just another student and not standing out in some way.” Webb said his instructors and students in the health care management program made him feel welcome and that he is “beyond thankful” for the award.

He noted that in researching the program, each of the instructors “seemed to bring something to the table in terms of educational background and career experience” that would be a benefit to him.

Knew SIU would be his home

Webb, the son of Ericka Mollenhauer and Jim Webb, said SIU provided a comfortable fit, even with several family members including his father, several cousins and his grandmother who attended the university.

“Just walking around on my first campus visit, I sensed such a welcoming atmosphere. I truly felt like this was going to be my home for the remainder of my time in school,” he said.

At SIU, Webb is involved in Student Senate, Business Marketing Club and the National Technical Honors Society.  He is also involved in the Student Healthcare Management Association and participates in several intramural sports teams. Webb will also be a Saluki Start Up leader this fall. That will give him a chance to mentor new students and “show them the warm welcoming feeling that I was shown, first coming to SIU.”

Future plans

Webb hopes to finish his undergraduate studies next spring and then participate in an internship over the summer. He plans to pursue his Master of Health Administration degree here, and is interested in pharmaceuticals, specifically sales or marketing.

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