Stacy Thompson wears many hats as professor and associate dean of undergraduate studies and curriculum for the School of Education, and does so admirably, colleagues say. She teaches, researches, leads the school’s undergraduate programs, works with parents, nurtures partnerships with local schools and regional offices of education, has served on the board of the Illinois Council on Family Relations since 2016 and handles a variety of other duties.
“Dr. Thompson seeks to serve the students, programs and community of Southern Illinois,” said Christie McIntyre, director of Teacher Education Programs and associate professor of curriculum and instruction. “This is evident in her commitment to teach courses with high rigor, her leadership in early childhood, and her work with families throughout the region. Her expertise is sought out by colleagues and friends.”
Thompson was also chosen to participate in the inaugural cohort of the Leading, Empowering, Advocating and Developing (LEAD) SIU Carbondale Initiative in 2021-2022. Participants in this leadership and professional growth opportunity met regularly with the chancellor for discussions regarding higher education topics and engaged in other activities to enhance their leadership skills.
Name: Stacy Thompson
Department/title: associate dean of undergraduate studies and curriculum and professor, School of Education
Years at SIU Carbondale: 18
Give us the elevator pitch for your job.
I oversee the undergraduate programs in the School of Education. I also teach courses on human development and assessment of children. Additionally, I enjoy engaging in several research projects. I have worked with parents and professionals, and my goal as a researcher was to ensure research was applicable to those who would need it. Therefore, I have devoted time to sensory integration issues. One early research project I participated in was about using technology to enhance critical thinking in college students.
What is the favorite part of your job?
Interacting with the students. I enjoy the students I get to work with and supporting them as they learn about human development and how to make informed decisions regarding the development of children.
Why did you choose SIU?
SIU is set in a beautiful area of the country. It also has Thompson Woods. I enjoyed meeting people in the department and university and felt right at home when I interviewed here.
Winter, summer, spring or fall … which one and why?
Fall – I love the crisp weather. Also, it coincides with the start to the new school year, which brings anticipation for learning new things.
My fondest memory as a child is…
Spending time at my grandparents’ home. There was so much to do: riding go-carts, feeding the cows and riding horses, and it was always with family.