Saluki Pride: Ty Perry brings global recognition to SIU finance students and program

Ty Perry, a finance clinical assistant professor in the College of Business and Analytics, has done much to bring global recognition to the finance program and its students and to increase Saluki student pride, his colleagues say.

Perry “was instrumental in SIU’s admission to the Chartered Financial Analyst University affiliation program, which elevates the profile and recognition of the finance program and its students,” said Kevin Sylwester, interim director of the School of Analytics, Finance and Economics.

In addition, Perry served as the adviser for SIU’s undergraduate and graduate student teams, which placed very high in the global CME derivative trading challenge in 2021. Perry plans to advise SIU teams in the FDIC trading challenge and other national and international investment challenges in the future, bringing “name recognition to SIU and pride to our students!” Sylwester said.

Get to know TY PERRY

Name: Ty Perry

Department and job title: Finance program in the School of Analytics, Finance and Economics within the College of Business and Analytics, clinical assistant professor

Years at SIU Carbondale: 3 this fall.

Give us the elevator pitch for your job.

I teach various classes in finance and analytics. I also serve as the faculty adviser for the CME Group University Trading Challenge team, and last fall, our graduate team of Saluki traders placed fifth competing against nearly 400 other teams from around the world in the international trading competition. Our undergraduate team placed 44th.

What is your favorite part of your job?

I like being in an environment where people are always learning and discovering new things. I really like the students at SIU, and I really like the people that I work with here.

Why did you choose SIU?

Prior to joining SIU in 2019, I was familiar with SIU for a while for a variety of reasons, including that my father-in-law is an SIU alumnus. But I particularly valued the location and reputation of the university.

I’m happiest when I am…

Although I’m not always successful, I make an effort to be fairly happy most of the time, in virtually all situations. “Amor Fati!” (A Latin phrase for “love of fate” or “love of one’s fate.”)

My favorite activity away from work is…

Playing golf; I like golf. I have a doctor’s prescription for it.

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