Saluki Pride: Sharon Hagene provides effective leadership as Extended Campus business manager

woman smiling while leaning on a short wall. there is a large tree visible behind her. Sharon Hagene, SIU Extended Campus, senior business manager. Saluki Pride

As the senior business manager for SIU’s Extended Campus, Sharon Hagene gives new meaning to the term multitasking, handling a variety of jobs very capably while creating a pleasant work environment, her colleagues say.

“Sharon is a wonderful leader who is a big believer in cross-training. It really brings a sense of teamwork to our office,” said Holly Tugiyanto, an accounting officer. “She currently wears so many hats and shows great devotion to her work here.”

Get to know: SHARON HAGENE

Name: Sharon Hagene

Department and job title: SIU Extended Campus, senior business manager

Years at SIU Carbondale: 12 +

Give us the elevator pitch for your job.

I manage and direct the daily accounting, personnel, fiscal and business operations for the SIU Extended Campus organization to ensure the department and the academic units can continue supporting students seeking flexible, alternative degree options by providing these educational opportunities.

What are the favorite parts of your job?

My favorite parts of the job are knowing our efforts have a positive impact on students across the nation and having the opportunity to train, equip and encourage staff members to become the best they can be.

Why did you choose SIU?

I chose SIU because it is a great place to work, and I enjoy being on campus. As an employee, I was able to take advantage of furthering my education and completing my degree in accounting.

Winter, spring, summer or fall – which one and why?

Fall, of course. I love the changing colors of the leaves, cooler weather, hayrides and the upcoming holidays.

My favorite activity away from work is:

Spending time with my family, especially my grandchildren: Ty, Elsie, Everly and Wrenly.

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