Workshop aims to improve research storytelling

Confluence: Art & Science Storytelling

Storytelling using different disciplines and approaches is the subject of a workshop aimed at campus community and set for this Friday.

The Center for Ecology and Antonio Martinez of the School of Art and Design are presenting a workshop titled “Confluence Art & Science Collaborative Storytelling.” The inaugural workshop, one of three planned, will culminate in a Confluence Art & Science symposium in spring 2020.

Multidisciplinary approach

This initiative will bring together SIU students from science, arts, and humanities to collaborate, learn together, and to develop new approaches to communicate their work.

Associate Professor Martinez will demonstrate and guide students in the production of multi-layered illustrations that combine cynaotype photography, historical images and artificial intelligence applications to develop novel streams of inquiry and communication about global environmental crises.

The workshop will take place over three Fridays, beginning 4-6 p.m. Sept 20 in room 1122 in the Communications Building. Registration is required. The cost is $20.  

The following workshops will take place at the same times in New Media Center in the Communications Building on Sept. 27, and again in room 1122 on Oct. 11.

Da Vinci’s approach

The workshop is part of a larger initiative sponsored by the Center for Ecology to advance communication and environmental literacy through interdisciplinary collaborations between scientists and artists, said Robin Warne, director of the center.

“While diverse disciplines ranging from literature and art, to design and the sciences use differing textual, visual, and graphical approaches to communicate to their audience, they also share many similarities and can enrich one-another’s endeavors,” he said. “Leonardo Da Vinci is a great example. His work spans and integrates art, engineering, biology, and additionally his insights continue to inform and inspire these inter-disciplinary efforts today.”

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