As information technology manager for Library Affairs, Richard Beach said one of the most rewarding aspects of his job is working with students to expose them to new technology. Beach received the unit’s 2022 Outstanding Staff Award and “keeps the building running” by going “above and beyond his duties,” according to Susan Tulis, library affairs associate professor.
Name: Rich Beach
Department/title: Library Affairs / information technology manager
Years at SIU Carbondale: 13
Give us the elevator pitch for your job.
My job is to support all of the technology located within Library Affairs, which is Morris Library, Records Management, University Museum and SIU Press. My goal is to help any customer who has an issue with anything.
What is the favorite part of your job?
I love to work with our students! I try to expose them to new technology. I show them how to use technology to get their work done more efficiently and creatively. My department also hires student workers and gives them hands-on training with technology, giving them an edge on their competition when they graduate.
Why did you choose SIU?
I went to college here at SIU and love the beautiful campus. SIU is the best place to be in Southern Illinois!
What are your thoughts on earning the Library Affairs Outstanding Staff Award for 2022?
I am honored to be elected by my peers for the award. My No. 1 focus here at SIU is customer service. My department is dedicated to helping anyone who needs help with any issue they may have. We need to take care of our students and our staff if we want to make SIU a wonderful place to be.
My favorite toy or item growing up was ….
My favorite toys were in my toolbox! My dad and I were always working on muscle cars growing up. We loved to fix things. Now I fix things on a more technical level.
My favorite activity away from work is …
My favorite activity is spending time with my two daughters. I also enjoy hiking and gaming.
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