5 Campus Resources You Should Know About

SIU has many resources to help students in need, no matter what you may be struggling with, there is someone to help. Even if you don’t need assistance right now, it is still good to know what resources are available. So, here are 5 campus resources you should know about.  

1. Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

CAPS on West Campus.
CAPS on West Campus.

CAPS is here to provide mental health assistance to all students. Counselors are available every day of the week and at various locations on campus. I recommend calling (618) 453-5371 so they can pair you with the counselor who best fits your needs.  


The Higher Education Resources and Opportunities for Salukis in Need (HEROES) helps students with various financial related issues such as housing insecurity, food insecurity, access to healthcare, transportation, childcare, clothing, personal care items, and school necessities.  

3. Saluki Food Pantry 

If you or a student you know needs food assistance, head to the Saluki Food Pantry. All items are free and each trip to the pantry will provide you with enough food for every member of your household to eat for 3 days.  

4. Student Multi-Cultural Resource Center

Diverse student groups on campus.
Diverse student groups on campus.

The SMRC is a safe space for community among diverse groups on campus.  There are several centers within the SMRC: the LGBTQ Resource Center, Black Resource Center, Hispanic/Latino Resource Center, Women’s Resource Center, and Asian American and Pacific Islander Resource Center. Each one offers a unique experience and support for the group they represent.

5. Career Development Center

If you’re planning for life after graduation, head to the Career Development Center. You can get help searching for jobs, creating connections with employers, and applying to graduate/professional schools there. They also do career interest assessments and counseling. 

At SIU, we want you to succeed. Please don’t hesitate to reach out for help. If a resource you need isn’t listed here, check out the full list: SIU Campus Resources

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