Homecoming queen Delores Sharp is surrounded by her court (from left to right) Part Warlow; Catherine Venegoni; Maxine Bumpus; Bernice Cochran; Mary Ellen Donahue; and Rosalie Skipper.SIU cheerleaders ride in a convertible during the homecoming parade in the 1950s. A cheerleader leads a cheer in front of a bonfire constructed by Alpha Phi Omega members during Homecoming 1963 festivities.Students participate in the Homecoming 1951 bonfire. Scene from the 1952 Homecoming parade featuring a band, likely from an area high school. During a 1950s era Homecoming parade, women dressed as football players and rode motorcycles behind a banner saying “Salukis Scoot Past the Hurricanes.”The Reserve Officers Training Corps members spell out “TEAM” in support of the Salukis at the 1955 Homecoming football game.An undated photo of a formal SIU Homecoming Dance. The 75th anniversary Diamond Jubilee homecoming parade. Decorated for the October 1951 Homecoming, a hose featuring an igloo and fake snow is captioned “We’ve Got Eastern on Ice.” Campus building decorated for Homecoming in November 1955, featuring women in big dresses, a football player and the caption “Send ‘em Home Southern Style.” The Saluki team roster for Homecoming 1954 includes the late Marion Rushing, who holds the record for most letters scored at SIU. He went on to play professional football.Students from the campus WIDB radio created a float on a 1966 Dodge pickup truck that won the best float and most creative float awards for Homecoming 1982. A 1970 pirate float says “Salukis put the bite on the Pirates.”Ann Garrett and Louise Stearns and Jason Seaman 2018 Homecoming: 2018 Homecoming Grand Marshal Jason Seaman visits with two of his favorite faculty, Ann Garrett and Louise Stearns during festivities.DeAnna Price is a former SIU track and field star, Olympian and World Champion in hammer throw.
An intense three-week trek in June to Germany as part of a journalism study program not only gave Southern Illinois University Carbondale graduate Oreoluwa Ojewuyi greater insight into journalism, but it also affirmed her belief in the importance of history.